
28th February 2022

ICC condemns Russia’s breach of international law in the strongest possible terms

Following the Russian incursion into Ukraine on 24 February, ICC (International Chamber of Commerce) has issued the following statement on behalf of the global business … View More →

25th February 2022

Local Enterprise Week Programme of Virtual Events

#MakingItHappen: Local Enterprise Week Goes Virtual for 2022! All events for Local Enterprise Week will take place online this year  – from Monday, March 7th to … View More →

23rd February 2022

OECD guiding policies for SMEs – survey

The OECD Committee on SMEs and Entrepreneurship is developing principles for effective, efficient and coherent SME and entrepreneurship policies. You can join the public consultation to … View More →

15th February 2022

13th Century Ennis to get 21st century Cisco SMART Parking solution

  Press Release: February 15, 2022   Mediaeval Ennis is known for its narrow streets and labyrinth of historic laneways and bow-ways.  It’s also famous for being a … View More →

14th February 2022

€90 million fund for Irish start-ups

The Tánaiste and Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment, Leo Varadkar, and the Minister for Finance, Paschal Donohoe, recently launched a new €90 million fund … View More →

12th February 2022

EU economic outlook weaker than projected

The EU economy entered the new year on a weaker note than previously projected. Having regained the pre-pandemic output level in summer last year, a … View More →

10th February 2022

Talent Retention Roadshow on March 29th

Ennis Chamber and Regional Skills Mid West to co-host ‘Talent Retention Roadshow’  On Tuesday March 29th, Ennis Chamber and Regional Skills Mid West will co-host a … View More →

10th February 2022

‘Remote Playbook for SMEs’ and other remote working initiatives

The easing of Covid restrictions is stirring discussions on back to the office vs. work from home.  There is one certainty: hybrid/flexible working from home, … View More →

10th February 2022

ESG – Timelines and Roadmap Webinar

  ESG – TIMELINES AND ROADMAP: Challenges and opportunities for SMEs in 2022 You cannot avoid ESG…it’s here, going to stay…and the EU is in the driving … View More →

8th February 2022

St. Patrick’s Day missions support Ireland’s global economic and diplomatic footprint

Chambers Ireland welcomes the announcement this week of the renewed St. Patrick’s Day ministerial missions. Chambers Ireland Chief Executive Ian Talbot said,  “In these uncertain times, … View More →

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