The easing of Covid restrictions is stirring discussions on back to the office vs. work from home. There is one certainty: hybrid/flexible working from home, office, co-working spaces and/or hubs has become and will continue to be, the ‘new normal’ for many.
Grow Remote the non-profit group in Ireland with a mission to make remote work local for employees, employers, and communities, have two items of interest to share with Ennis Chamber members on this topic:
· On February 17th at 4pm Grow Remote will co-host an open house at the Ennis Digital Hub (Quin Road Business Park) with Digiclare and Clare County Council. Register (free) at It’s an opportunity to chat with Grow Remote and Digiclare teams about the resources and expert advice available to both workers and employers about making remote work well for employers.
· Grow Remote has published a new “Remote Playbook for SME’s” this week with support from Chambers Ireland, Western Development Commission, and leading remote-friendly companies in Ireland. Free access and download of the report is available here:
· In support of Ennis Chamber members, Grow Remote and Ennis Chamber will co-host a breakfast briefing in coming weeks to share best practices in remote and hybrid/flexible working arrangements and to have an open discussion about the experiences members are having and questions you have about remote working practices and policies. Details on date and venue for this event will shortly be announced.
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