
Who We Are

  • Ennis Chamber promotes and protects the interests of its members and is dedicated to the economic, business, tourism and cultural development of Ennis
  • As part of our remit Ennis Chamber communicates the competitiveness and attractiveness of Ennis, to appeal to potential employers, employees and visitors
  • With 160 members, representing almost 5,000 employees, Ennis Chamber has a powerful and diverse reach, giving it a strong local mandate
  • Our diverse membership includes industries ranging from newly emerging markets such as tech companies to traditional enterprises including banks, professional services, family businesses and those in the tourism and hospitality sector
  • Our Executive comprises business and community leaders and it is supported in its efforts by Ennis Chamber’s dedicated and professional staff
  • We canvas members for views and issues, provide a forum for debate, we lobby, fund positive solutions and provide training opportunities to ensure we support our members in their quest to drive growth and lead