Members of Chambers Ireland network, including Ennis Chamber have launched a new campaign targeting retailers and other business owners grappling with government guidelines and other COVID-19 related issues.
‘STEP BACK, STEP UP, STEP IN‘ was created by Ken Tobin, CEO Tralee Chamber, who is also Chair of Chambers Ireland ‘Towns’ committee.
STEP BACK: Re-double your efforts as a business/company to ensure you are adhering to the government COVID-19 guidelines. Don’t relax, don’t cut corners, review your policies, your PPE stocks and your own procedures, to ensure they are maintained every single day. Ensure full compliance from all of your staff and customers – and make it part of your daily routine to check everything yourself directly!
STEP UP: Those businesses that have operated for a while within the guidelines as stated, may have improved measures or procedures to ensure compliance, or may have put practical solutions in place. If this is the case we ask you to share those learnings to benefit others. You can help fellow members of Ennis Chamber by sharing information about what works for you. To do so, contact Ennis Chamber CEO Margaret O’Brien on to allow us help and inform other businesses, key stakeholders/agencies in your sector.
STEP IN: If you are aware of another business who is finding it difficult to maintain compliance with the guidelines, step in to support them. There is no blame, we are all learning how to cope with this new way of operating our businesses. Businesses and business owners truly are in this together. If you can’t directly help them, ask them to contact us in Ennis Chamber and we will refer them to a similar business in the county who can help/mentor them or to an appropriate training service to assist them.
Thank you.
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