
22nd June 2015

SMEs and Burdensome Regulations

Chambers Ireland, in partnership with Eurochambres, is taking part in a project known as the “Burden Tracker”, which aims to indentify pieces of legislation that are burdensome for SMEs and subsequently alert policy makers to their negative impact. As part of this process, Chambers Ireland aims to identify 3-4 pieces of EU legislation that are problematic for companies (e.g. legal uncertainty, excessive bureaucracy, unnecessary regulatory burden, etc) and campaign for an evaluation of the EU legislation national and European level.

Examples of legislation that can prove unnecessarily burdensome on SMEs include the Late Payment Directive, the Package Travel Directive, REACH etc.

Chamber Ireland would welcome input from the Irish Chamber Network and their members in identifying pieces of legislation that are overly burdensome on SMEs. For more information, please contact


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