Ennis Chamber will welcome Terry Fahey, Director National Revaluation Programme, with the Valuation Office, to Temple Gate Hotel, Ennis on Tuesday October 11. Starting at 10am, Mr Fahey will give a briefing to be followed by a Q&A session.
As you are no doubt aware, revaluation of all rateable properties in the Clare local authority rating area is underway and on 23rd September 2022 the Valuation Office issued proposed valuation certificates (PVCs) to ratepayers. New valuations arising from the revaluation of these local authorities will be finalised in September 2023 and become effective for rates purposes from January 2024.
Ratepayers will have an opportunity to make representations (40 days from the date of issue of the proposed certificate) if they are unhappy with anything contained in the proposed valuation certificate. This period runs from 23rd September to 1st November 2022.
This is an excellent opportunity to ask questions of the Director of the National Revaluation Programme. To attend the briefing on Tuesday October 11th at 10am, please book your place via email to: info@ennischamber.ie
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