
20th February 2020

Imagine Improves broadband infrastructure around Clare

At a recent meeting with Ennis Chamber, a representative from Irish broadband communications company Imagine advised, “if you thought you couldn’t get high-speed broadband in your part of County Clare …now’s the time to check again!”

With 212 high-speed broadband locations already live today covering more than 800,000 homes and businesses across 32,000 townlands, communities across rural Ireland can now connect to the broadband speed they need.

The company has completed the first phase of a €300 million investment to roll out its new 5G technology, which it says is capable of delivering broadband speeds of up to 150 megabits per second (mbps). The service is being offered to users for just under €60 per month with a €150 set-up fee.

Unlike fibre operators, Imagine uses a fixed wireless technology to transmit the broadband signal to households through a network of masts, to be located on 325 sites across the country.

The company said high-speed, high-capacity and low-latency 5G technology had removed the barriers to the “rapid rollout” of broadband infrastructure despite claims it will not get to every household.

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