
18th June 2015

Irish Water Working Paper

Irish Water publishes the “Options Working Paper” for the proposed

Eastern and Midlands Region Water Supply Project (WSP)


Irish Water has today published the Options Working Paper on the proposed Water Supply Project, Eastern and Midlands Region (WSP) which outlines an independent review of all previous studies undertaken on providing a new source of water supply for Dublin and the Eastern and Midlands Region. Finding a sustainable new source of drinking water to cater for population and economic growth in this area, has been a key priority for the past decade. This consultation will run for 8 weeks from the 9th June to the 4th August 2015.


Ten options identified to date have already been evaluated as part of Strategic Environmental Assessments (2007-2011) which looked at environmental, technical, risk, economic and socio-economic perspectives. Four of the ten options were identified as being technically viable and Irish Water, having independently validated the four options is now bringing each forward for further consideration in the planning process.  No decision on a preferred option has been made to date.


Public consultation on site studies in each of the four areas will form a key part of the decision making process to identify an emerging preferred option by late 2015.  Following detailed environmental assessments on the preferred option, a planning application will be submitted by Irish Water to An Bord Pleanála in mid-2017. At this stage Irish Water is now looking in detail at the four options to identify the Constraints which will define the positioning of option infrastructure (e.g. pipelines, treatment plants etc.)  and also to identify the ‘Assessment Criteria’ which will be used to consider each of the four options relative to each other.

The Options Working Paper is available to view in County Libraries and at Local Authority Planning Counters within the project study area and can be downloaded from


Public Consultation

Irish Water is inviting members of the public and interested groups to give their views on the proposed Constraints and Assessment Criteria (and the approach to their use) to identify an Emerging Preferred Option whilst minimising the impact on people and the environment. The four technically viable options confirmed by Irish Water in no particular order of priority, are as follows:


Irish Water is now inviting submissions on the following:

  • What other national, regional or locally important constraints should Irish Water take into account when locating the infrastructure associated with each water supply option?
  • Have you any comment on the proposed constraints and the approach to their use?
  • Are there any Assessment Criteria other than those proposed which should be used in the next phase of options appraisal?
  • How would you like to be communicated with us as the project progresses?


Feedback from the consultation process will be obtained through stakeholder meetings and written submissions which can be made by email to or by post to Water Supply Project, Merrion House, Merrion Road, Dublin 4. All issues raised from this consultation will be reviewed and considered as part of the next phase of the process which will result in a Preliminary Options Appraisal Report (detailing an Emerging Preferred Option) due for publication and consultation later in 2015. Closing dates for receipt of submissions is 4th August 2015.


If you require any further information please call us on lo-call 1890 252 848 in the Republic or on 0845 246 5059 in Northern Ireland.



Gerry Geoghegan

Project Manager

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