
18th July 2016

Irish Water: Business billing process transferred.

In January 2014 Irish Water assumed responsibility for public water services. Since then, your Local Authority has been issuing bills for water services to your business on Irish Water’s behalf and continued to manage all queries in relation to business accounts. Irish Water will now manage all aspects of business accounts directly, including billing for water services.

Irish Water recently briefed Chambers Ireland on the telephone service for business accounts as detailed which will be operational on a phased basis from mid-July, beginning with Meath and Monaghan County Councils. Until transfer, any customer account queries can still be directed to the relevant local authority. At point of transfer, each customer will be sent all the new contact information. All operational water service-related queries for business customers continue to be handled by the Irish Water contact centre at 1850 278 278.

Please find below a copy of the Customer Information Booklet (English language version) which has all the relevant information and a copy of a press release issued to media and elected representatives following the briefing.

Customer Information Booklet_English Version only

Irish Water briefs business representative groups ahead of planned billing transfer



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