
12th January 2015

High-Level Group (HLG) on Business Regulation

The High-Level Group (HLG) on Business Regulation is a standing group of officials and business and union representatives, chaired by the Minister for Small Business and tasked with identifying ways of reducing the burden of red tape on business. The Group acts as a clearing house for specific business suggestions for red-tape reduction by identifying administrative solutions and simplifications across Government.


The areas of focus are administrative burdens placed on businesses, in particular small and medium sized enterprises, arising from Regulation or other administrative requirements, particularly in the areas of taxation; health and safety regulation; employment law; environmental regulations; company law and statistical returns;


Chambers Ireland represents the Chamber Network on this group, and we are seeking input from the Network as to what areas of business regulation could be put on the agenda for 2015 for this group. Please send any proposed suggestions or topics to Mark O’Mahoney, before Thursday 15th January.

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