
9th February 2017

Free Public Wi-Fi in Ennis.


Free Public Wi-Fi in Ennis.

Clare County Council wishes to provide Free public Wi-Fi in the heavily used areas of Ennis. The provision of free Wi-Fi services will enhance the technological profile of the area. Visitors usually welcome such a service and regard it as a sign of a progressive area.

Clare Co Council will install, configure and manage the Free WiFi service. Clare Co Council will contact local businesses to seek their participation in this service. This service will help to brand the area and can also direct users to Ennis Splash pages and to an official Facebook page for the area.

How does it work?

Clare Co Council propose to install an outdoor Wi-Fi Access Point (WAP) on a building and run a single cable from the device back to the business’s telephone access point. The Council will arrange for a broadband connection to be provided on the designated line. If there is no line available Clare Co Council will arrange for one to be provided. The will be no cost to the business owners.

The device which is shown in the picture on the right looks a little like a standard alarm box and is mounted above the signage of the premises.

People may see Ennis Free Wi-Fi and Ennis Facebook Wi-Fi advertised on the Wi-Fi settings on their phones or laptops and connect and start using the internet. They see a Splash Page or a Facebook page before they are connected. This page can be customised. If they connect using their Facebook credentials they are shown the Ennis Facebook page before they proceed to using the service.

What does the local business get?

  • Improves the image of the Ennis as a progressive area to locate in
  • Contributes to a unified identity for Ennis and takes clients to an official splash or Facebook page with news about the area
  • Monthly Footfall Statistics
  • Increased footfall in the area and the ability to measure the footfall
  • Potential for Ennis Apps for consumer devices – get in touch with people who work and live in Ennis
  • Create a Connected Community

Next Steps:

  1. Clare Co Council will install WAPs on suitable business premises in Ennis
  2. Strategically located businesses will be identified and approached to host a WAP in order to ensure that the designated area can be covered
  3. There will be no cost to the Business owner.

Ennis can be on the map and these customers can see the Facebook page or other splash pages each time they connect. The system provides visitor statistics – how many Passer-by’s, Visitors, Repeat visitors.

This is a chance to brand your area and make it a progressive zone. Many cities and towns all over the world now provide Free Public WiFi.


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