
5th February 2018

European Movement Ireland – Citizens’ Dialogue on the Future of Europe

As part of the Future of Europe Dialogues series, European Movement Ireland, Ireland’s oldest European-affairs-focused organisation, will be organizing the latest Citizens’ Dialogue to take place on Thursday 8 February 2018 at the National University of Ireland, Galway (NUIG).

The public dialogue is a unique opportunity to discuss the role of Ireland and its citizens in the Future of Europe. In attendance will be Minister of State for European Affairs, Helen McEntee TD, joined by Pat McDonagh, CEO of Supermac’s and Noelle O’Connell, Executive Director of European Movement Ireland. The debate will cover topics such as:

  • How can we create a fair and competitive market for our businesses, that creates jobs and improve living standards, while continuing to protect consumers?
  • How can we work best with our European partners to maintain peace, security and stability?
  • How can we plan and manage our rural and urban landscapes in a way that improves the quality of our lives, and protects the planet and our natural resources?
  • How can we ensure equal work opportunities, while maintaining fair working conditions and good social protection for every generation?
  • How can Europe best support innovation and provide the training and skills needed to both equip us for the jobs of the future and remain competitive?

Attendance is free, however registration before the event is required.

To register and for further information, please click here.

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