
26th May 2023

eTenders Platform Up-dated

eTenders, Ireland’s national tendering platform, where you can access opportunities to sell to Government has introduced some changes.

For businesses who are already registered on the platform, there are a few steps you will need to take to ensure you can still access these tendering opportunities.

You will be able to access the platform through the current address,

If you are registered on the existing eTenders platform, your registration details will be transferred to the new platform. However, you will need to re-input some information such as business alerts, as well as some additional data, on first login. We advise that you allocate around 20 minutes to update your information.

Once you have updated all of your details, you will be able to fully access the new platform. Given that this is a new system, the user experience will be different, and you are advised to allow time to become familiar with the new platform.

New competitions are now published on the new platform.

For further information on how to use the new system follow this link:



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