
4th February 2022

Ennis Pedestrian Friendly and Park & Stride Assessment

Ennis Pedestrian Friendly and Park & Stride Assessment

Ennis Chamber participated this week in a workshop to contribute to ongoing  ‘Ennis Pedestrian Friendly and Park & Stride Assessment’, led by Clare County Council and its appointed consultants Momentum.

Clare County Council are working with the National Transport Authority with the aim to advance active travel measures in Ennis town and to develop Ennis into a pedestrian friendly destination, on behalf of Clare County Council.

Objectives of the assessment

  • Identify optimum Park & Stride locations (i.e. locations on the cusp of Ennis where employees and visitors can park and then walk to the town centre)
  • Identify studies that should be undertaken to inform future pedestrianisation of the town centre and the future development of an overall mobility plan
  • Understand utilisation of parking throughout the town and inform future pricing policy
  • Identify a programme of short-, medium and long-term actions to create a more pedestrian friendly town centre
  • Seek funding to implement short term measures and to carry out more detailed studies on the feasibility of the medium and longer-term projects identified

Policy Alignment

The assessment and its findings will feed into a sustainable mobility policy for Ennis to align with best national and international practice and policy, including the Government’s ‘Sustainable Mobility Policy’ produced by the Department of Transport whose vision is to connect people and places with sustainable mobility that is safe, green, accessible and efficient

It will also align with the Department of Environment ‘Climate Action Plan 2021’ which seeks to achieve a 51% reduction in overall greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 through:

More detailed feedback on the workshop, its objectives and implications will be provided to Ennis Chamber members via the CEO weekly report (email) on Friday February 4th


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