
14th February 2019

Civic Reception for Spanish Education Leaders

A Civic Reception for Spanish Education Leaders took place in the Civic Room, Waterpark House on Febrary 5th. The 10-strong delegation was in Ennis at the invitation of Clare Language Centre.

Drawn from across Spain, the group of education leaders was officially welcomed to Ennis by Deputy Mayor, Cllr. Paul Murphy. He congratulated Muireann Neylon and the Clare Language Centre team on the deal struck with De La Salle Vocational Schools in Spain. Starting this year they will send groups of vocational students to Ennis on 6-week language learning and business placements.

Delivered by Clare Language Centre the new initiative is EU-funded under the Erasmus Programme.

Ennis Chamber supported Clare Language Centre, a long standing member of the Chamber, in the organisation of the reception. President of Ennis Chamber, Diarmuid McMahon said, “Clare Language Centre already makes a very positive contribution to the local economy, with over 2,000 students per year travelling to Ennis to learn English at the Centre, staying with local host families. The announcment of further expansion in student numbers and extended length of stay to six weeks, is very welcome news for the town. ”

Muireann Neylon of Clare Language Centre added “This development will further boost the economic contribution our work delivers to the local economy in Ennis. Host families and local businesses will benefit, and the businesses that step up to accept students on placement will find the experience enriching.


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