Application deadlines are approaching for some of UL’s funded programmes starting this autumn.
Under the Springboard+ initiative UL has funding for 10 programmes for September 2022 and/or January 2023. These are 100% funded for jobseekers or returners, 90% funded for the employed and all level 6 courses are fully funded. Find out more Applications for September courses will close once programmes are full.
The University of Limerick’s new innovative project UL@Work upskills and reskills companies in competencies relevant to Digital Transformation. Funded from surplus in the National Training Fund these programmes cover many topics such as Data Analytics, Cybersecurity, Robotics, Computer Vision, Sustainability, Law, Leadership -Management for the Future of Work and Communication in a Digital Age.
They are co-designed with industry, designed for busy working professionals, flexibly delivered over 1 year and are fully accredited. These cutting-edge programmes form a pathway to a masters qualification and allow participants to become experts in their field in a short period of time. These are heavily subsidised however there are opportunities for further fee reductions. To find out more about contact and
Current and upcoming programmes can be found here: Applications due to close August 10th
Micro-credentials (MicroCreds)
Micro-credentials also known as MicroCreds are short, university accredited, assessed and enterprise powered qualifications. These bite-sized courses allow learners to control their own professional development while enabling companies to nurture and retain top talent and increase their competitive advantage. Our micro-creds cover areas such as Business and Management, Productivity and Sustainability, Health and Safety, ICT and Data Analytics, Artificial Intelligence and Law. Many microcreds are funded through various Skillnets.
Find out more about Micro-credentials and the short courses that can meet your upskilling needs here: Applications due to close August 10th
The University of Limerick is Ireland’s first University to offer executive apprenticeships from Level 7 Diploma to Level 10 Doctorate under this banner. Our apprenticeships are in areas of Supply Chain, Quality Management, Enterprise Excellence and Industry 4.0. More information can be found here: Applications due to close July 29th
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