Action Plan for Jobs Regional
Action Plan for Jobs – Regional is based on the principle that the best way to support job-creation in towns and villages across the country is to support agencies and organisations within each region to build on the particular strengths and assets of their area and drive new job-creation strategies and projects.
As part of this plan, Enterprise Ireland will sponsor a number of regional initiatives aiming at accelerating job creation, innovation and entrepreneurship. Funding will be allocated on a competitive basis.
Funding will be available for three types of initiatives:
a. Community Enterprise Initiatives (€5 million budget)
b. Local Enterprise Development (€5 million budget)
c. Competitive Regional Collaboration to Enhance Regional Enterprise Capacity (€40 million budget)
Should any Chambers be interested in putting forward projects under any of these headings you may wish to collaborate with other chambers or organisations in your region. If your Chamber already has a concept or proposal that you think other Chambers could cooperate on, or indeed be adopted by Chambers in other regions, we would be grateful if you could forward any information to Sarah Foley:
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