
24th April 2020

Chambers Ireland launches third COVID-19 survey

Chambers Ireland has launched the third in its rolling series of surveys, gauging the impact and tuning into the key issues facing the business community across Ireland, as the COVID-19 crisis continues to evolve.

Chambers Ireland has a network of 41 active chambers across the country, operating in all sectors.

The link to the latest Chambers Ireland Covid-19 Business Community Survey is:

The short survey will take less than 5 minutes to complete, but your feedback will be invaluable to our lobbying efforts.

Participation in this survey is not limited to Chamber members and we encourage you to share the link with other businesses.

This latest survey focuses on the issues around the Temporary Wage Subsidy Scheme, costs accruing to business as a result of the crisis, and challenges that businesses will face when reopening after the lock down.

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